ComponentA flexible hero component used as the primary content at the top of many HashiCorp pages.
<Herodata={{title: 'Testing',description: 'Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.',product: 'nomad',backgroundImage: {url: 'https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1538522323-vault-grid-background.jpg',format: 'svg',alt: 'terraform background'},buttons: [{ title: 'Download', url: '#' },{ title: 'Get Started', url: '#' }],videos: [{name: 'UI',playbackRate: 2,src: [{srcType: 'mp4',url: '//consul-static-asssets.global.ssl.fastly.net/videos/v1/connect-video-ui.mp4',}],}]}}/>
Name | Description |
data object | All of the data for the hero Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.title string | Primary title text |
data.description string | Subheading text, HTML allowed |
data.centered boolean | Whether or not to center the contents |
data.product string | Color theme of links, buttons, highlights |
data.backgroundTheme string | Adjust the text color if its over a dark or light background image |
data.backgroundImage object | sets the background image of the hero Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.backgroundImage.url string | url of the image |
data.backgroundImage.alt string | alt text for the image |
data.backgroundImage.format string | format of the image, like "jpg" or "svg" |
data.smallTextTag string | A small section of text that appears on top of the primary headline if present |
data.titleLogo object | A small logo intended to appear above the primary headline Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.titleLogo.url string | url of the image |
data.titleLogo.alt string | alt text for the image |
data.titleLogo.format string | format of the image, like "jpg" or "svg" |
data.alert object | An Alert component, displays above the primary headline.Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.alert.url string | |
data.alert.tagColor string | |
data.alert.text string | |
data.buttons array | Array of buttons to display below the title and subtitle as the primary calls to action. All props match those of the <Button> component.Array members must be of the type below: |
data.buttons[x] object | Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.buttons[x].title string | |
data.buttons[x].url string | |
data.buttons[x].external boolean | |
data.buttons[x].theme string | |
data.helpText string | A small piece of help text that appears below buttons/form input, HTML allowed |
data.image object | sets an image to the right of the text Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.image.url string | url of the image |
data.image.alt string | alt text for the image |
data.image.format string | format of the image, like "jpg" or "svg" |
data.videos array | One or more videos to play to the right of the text and buttons. Videos should have an aspect ratio of about 5:9. Typically dimensions are 1150 px wide by 660 px tall. Array members must be of the type below: |
data.videos[x] object | Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.videos[x].name string | name of the video displayed in the UI |
data.videos[x].playbackRate number | integer indicating the playback rate, with 1 being the default |
data.videos[x].src array | one or more video sources Array members must be of the type below: |
data.videos[x].src[x] object | Object contains nested props, see below: |
data.videos[x].src[x].srcType | |
data.videos[x].src[x].url | |
centered boolean | Whether or not to center the hero content |
videoControlsTop boolean | If true, video controls will be shown above videos, rather than below. |
className string | Optional className to add to the root element. |
gaPrefix string | prefix override for CTA custom events |